Refer a Friend or

Family Member

Sharing is caring. Spread the word by helping others like we helped you.

Get Rewarded too!

Refer a Friend or

Family Member

Sharing is caring.

Spread the word by helping

others like we helped you.

Get Rewarded too!

How It Works:

  • Enter Details: Yours & your friend's.

  • We Connect: Introducing ourselves to them through our solar connection.

  • You Receive Rewards: Earn between $500 to $1,000 for each successful solar installation referral!

Privacy Promise

Your trust is our priority.

Expect zero spam, only solar updates!

We aim to offer a unique & intimate experience, not a generic one.

Give Your Friends a Hand

We at One Solar Guide believe in the power of community and word-of-mouth. If you've enjoyed our services and want to share the benefits of us making life easier, our Refer a Friend program is perfect for you, and get paid for it!

Ⓒ 2024 One Solar Guide. All Rights Reserved

Give Your Friends a Hand

We at One Solar Guide believe in the power of community and word-of-mouth. If you've enjoyed our services and want to share the benefits of us making life easier, our

Refer a Friend program is perfect for you, and

get paid for it!

How It Works:

  • Enter Details: Yours & your friend's.

  • We Connect: Introducing ourselves to them through our solar connection.

  • You Receive Rewards: Earn between $500 to $1,000 for each successful solar installation referral!

Privacy Promise

Your trust is our priority.

Expect zero spam, only solar updates!

We aim to offer a unique & intimate experience, not a generic one.

Ⓒ 2024 One Solar Guide. All Rights Reserved